Organic Fertilizer for Your Lawn

4 Benefits of Using Organic Fertilizers for Your Lawn

The decision to use organic fertilizer for your lawn is an excellent idea if you are looking for ways to make it healthier and greener. There are many benefits of organic fertilizer, such as better soil health, no chemical runoff into the ground or water supply, and less expensive than other fertilizers. If you want your lawn to be lush and green in the summertime without having to spend too much money on fertilizers, then this blog post is just what you need.

Create Stronger, Healthier Soil

Using organic fertilizers for your lawn is a great way to create stronger and healthier soil in your yard. When you use chemical fertilizers, this tends to weaken the grass and the dirt in the ground due to their high nitrogen levels. However, adding organic fertilizer such as composted manure, peat moss, or grass clippings adds essential nutrients to the soil without taking away from how soft it is. This means that your soil will be stronger and more resilient against heat waves and cold snaps throughout the year.

No Chemical Runoffs

When you use organic matter to fertilize your lawn instead of chemical pesticides, you will not have any runoffs into the ground or water supply. This is especially important to consider in areas where there are bodies of water that chemical fertilizers can severely pollute.

It’s Less Expense

Using organic fertilizers for your lawn is typically less expensive than purchasing regular chemical fertilizers. You can use several different types of organic materials, like grass clippings, composted manure, or peat moss. You may need to empty your compost bin if you have any extra; otherwise, purchasing these items at a store could make it quite inexpensive for you in the long run when compared to other fertilizing techniques.

More Nutrients Added

Using organic fertilizers can help add more nutrients back into the soil. All chemical fertilizers tend to take out essential nutrients from your grass and dirt, especially those with a high nitrogen level or those used for long. However, using organic matter can help replenish these lost nutrients without leaving a negative effect on your soil. If you want the healthiest lawn possible, it is best to use organic fertilizers instead of chemicals.

Wrapping Up

The benefits of organic fertilizer are a great way to maintain healthy soil in your lawn so it can grow lush and green throughout the year. Organic materials such as composted manure, peat moss, or grass clippings can be used without having to worry about chemical runoff or damage down to your dirt. Even better, using this type of fertilizer means you won’t have to spend very much money on them compared to other types of fertilizer. Finally, these organic materials will help replenish any nutrient loss within the soil, thus giving you the healthiest possible yard.

 At Better Grounds Management, we are a landscaper in Lowell, MA providing professional and quality services for commercial and residential properties. To learn more, contact us today to get started!


6 Low Maintenance Landscaping Ideas

When people think about landscaping, they often think of the hours of labor and expensive plants required to maintain a beautiful lawn. That’s not always necessary! There are many low-maintenance landscaping ideas that you can use to transform your yard with little work on your part. Keep reading for six great low-maintenance landscaping ideas on how to improve the look of your property without spending all day outside.

1. Plant Low-Growing Ground Cover

One of the easiest methods for landscaping is to plant low-growing ground cover in all of your flower beds and around any trees or shrubs. This will fill out your landscaping without taking up a lot of time on your part. Many excellent varieties can thrive in full sun or partial shade that you can switch out every year if they become too weathered. Be sure that you choose one variety per area – mixing them may cause some plants to struggle and die.

2. Plant Annuals but Don’t Replant Each Year

If you have a flower bed, consider planting annual flowers instead of perennials so that you don’t have to do as much landscaping each year. Annuals will look great for a single summer, and then you can remove them as they fade away. This is especially helpful if you have children to participate in the planting and removing flowers every year! You’ll still need to weed out any remaining roots from the previous plants, but this won’t take long, and it will save you some time next spring when you’re ready to plant again.

3. Plant Shrubs around Your Tree Trunks

Planting shrubs around your tree trunks allows you to eliminate any grass that may be struggling to grow underneath your trees. As people walk by, they generally have no idea that there are bushes right beneath their feet – all they see is a lovely tree with lush greenery! This is perfect for homeowners that want to plant something but don’t have the time necessary to maintain a full lawn.

4. Try Decorative Rocks Instead Of a Full Lawn

If you need to fill out an area of your yard quickly, consider trying decorative rocks instead of grass. Choose large flat stones so that people have a comfortable place to walk, and then install some lighting along the edges so that it shines on the rocks at night. You’ll be pleasantly surprised by how quickly this adds style and charm to your landscaping project! Remember not to use any sharp or jagged rocks, though – nobody wants to trip over them.

low maintenance landscaping ideas

5. Plant Bushes with Interesting Foliage

Bush landscaping is a great way to quickly fill out any area of your yard because there are so many varieties to choose from. However, planting bushes with boring leaves will not look as nice as those with interesting foliage. Try installing a few ornamental trees, placing them near the center of your landscaping project, and then adding bushes around that have dark green or other brightly colored leaves. This combination will show your landscaping contractor’s creativity while giving you an effortless lawn.

6. Use the Land to Your Advantage with Slopes and Edging

Suppose the only place to install a flower bed is on one side of your yard, where it gets lots of sun but no shade, consider taking advantage of this prime location by building a slope along the side. This will allow you to install some sod or other greenery that requires a lot of sun and add a natural element to your landscaping project. Just be sure that the slope is not too steep – nobody wants to fall! You can also use this same method to create an interesting look by installing edging around your flower beds. Mix bright flowers with small ornamental trees and shrubs around the perimeter for an attractive combination.

Use These Low Maintenance Landscaping Ideas

These are just a few low-maintenance landscaping ideas for homeowners who are short on time but want their property looking its best! Remember, good landscaping takes planning, excellent design knowledge, creativity, and hard work – not endless hours spent mowing grass.

 At Better Grounds Management, we are a landscaper in Lowell, MA providing professional and quality services for commercial and residential properties. To learn more, contact us today to get started!

value of a home and landscaping

5 Landscaping Features That Help & Hurt Your Home’s Value

As a homeowner, one thing you can do for yourself is to find ways to boost your home value. The trick is figuring out what things you should and shouldn’t do. The following list is filled with things to consider regarding landscaping.

5 Features That’ll Boost Value

If you ever asked, does landscaping increase home value? The following five features should answer that question:

1. Trees

Everyone loves trees, and it shows when homeowners sell their homes. You want trees facing the driveway. You can also have a number of them in your backyard.

2. Automatic Sprinklers

Automatic sprinklers are a great addition to your backyard. Folks like to have things like this installed. It makes life easier, and it’ll make your life easier while you’re living there.

3. Shrubs

Privacy is a big deal. This is the reason having shrubs outside the windows is a good idea. Fence-like hedges are also a desired feature.

4. Low Maintenance

The other thing you can do is low-maintenance landscaping. This could be done by investing in plants that grow naturally in your region. Look for plants that remain all year. You could also do it by using landscaping stones or pebbles instead.

5. Pretty Pathway

A great pathway is a good investment. You want to create anticipation. A winding pathway with wildflowers or small shrubs along the way will work. There should be no cracks or other visible defects.

5 Features That’ll Hurt Value

Just as there are things that’ll help, there are things that won’t. The following are five of those particular things;

1. Kai Ponds

These do look beautiful, but they are also quite costly. Maintenance is time-consuming, and homebuyers might not want to deal with that. This addition could hurt value.

2. Custom Installation

Another thing that may not help is custom installations. These may be appealing to you, but that doesn’t mean everyone will love what you do. Skip that pizza oven installation or that outdoor cooking area installation.

3. Lawn Ornaments

Sometimes, people add too many lawn ornaments. Adding a few here and there is no big deal, but if you add too much, it’ll start looking unkempt and distracting. Keep them down to just a few choice ornaments.

4. Concrete

Too much concrete is not a good thing. While there’s no issue breaking out your backyard with some concrete, it shouldn’t be more than 30 percent of your yard.

5. Seasonal Plants

It’s a good idea to avoid seasonal plants, especially flowering plants. These may look great when they are in full bloom, but they won’t look so pretty when they aren’t.

In Closing:

Investing in landscaping will definitely help improve your home’s value. Now, you have a few ideas to help keep your home’s value high. In addition to working with a professional landscaper, it’s always a good idea to discuss landscaping features with a local real estate agent.

 At Better Grounds Management, we are a landscaper in Lowell, MA providing professional landscaping that will boost your home’s value, the team at Better Ground Management is here to help. Learn more about residential landscaping.